Welcome to the dribblings of a mildly internet addicted individual who has too much to do in too little time, and the insane desire to blog about it all.

It's all relative, anyway.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's March, obviously

So the March flies are here. Quite possibly the first time that I've noticed them 'in season' so to speak.

I don't like flies. I don't like them inside my house, especially. And march flies are a particularly heinous type of fly. I think they may be intending to take over the world.

There is something overtly malevolent about the march fly. It has a very deliberate flight, slow and steady and more often than not, in a straight line - towards your face. Either that or it's flying low, around your knees, again in that deliberate fashion that makes you wonder if it's thinking about tripping you up somehow.

Yes, I know it's a fly. But it has deep red eyes, and 'hums' rather than 'buzzes'. It has INTENT and a slow, solemn depth to it's flight through my house. I want to squash it but I end up running in the opposite direction - and more often than not, it follows me.

They give a nasty bite, you know. Nasty painful nasty, with a lump that will itch for days as a follow-up.

I wonder if by anthropomorphising a fly, I'm allowing some sort of strange insight into my own psyche?

When my husband comes home he will get out the fly swatter and go on a hunt for the nasty critter. He will also get the 3 blowies and half a dozen black house flies that made it inside as the kids did their running in and out earlier. My house will be fly-free again.

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