Welcome to the dribblings of a mildly internet addicted individual who has too much to do in too little time, and the insane desire to blog about it all.

It's all relative, anyway.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Freakin out all over

Today, after discovering a MONUMENTAL stuff up, I spent most of my time driving around frantically searching for a product which unfortunately, no longer exists.

Part of my frantic-ness had me ending up at Marion shopping centre. Yes, Marion, on the first official day of the school holidays. OMG. *remember to breathe*

So we found a park without too much stress from the idiots right up my rear end. We managed to extricate ourselves from the car and the lure of junk food on the way in without too many complaints, and the small beings happily held hands for me so I didn't have to panic about losing them in the crowds.

I managed to go the wrong way to get to our destination not once but twice. We still didn't find exactly what I wanted. And to top it all off - I got lost 4 (that's right, four!) times on the way back to the car. It took my middle child to tell me that I was going the wrong way, and that we needed to go 'over there mummy, we came in past that subway right there'.

In the midst of all this, with 2 excited young children, I made the inevitable mistake of looking down at the lower storey, and immediate recall of almost every blockbuster or even b grade disaster movie landed in my head. I'm almost running along, pulling 2 kids behind me, convinced that any second now all those columns are going to crack and fall down and we are ALL GOING TO DIE goddamnit, without me ever touching the earth again. That we would be entombed in some disgusting concrete and steel pylon jungle and what is left of us couldn't even help a tree grow.

I really really hate big shopping centres. Really hate them. Can't freaking stand them.
Someone needs to build a teleporting machine for me so I can buy stuff I need online and have it arrive RIGHT NOW.

Or maybe I just need to get more organised.

I can already tell that I'm going to be the type of mother who seriously embarrasses her teenage kids by getting lost everywhere she goes and needing help to get out. But then - I don't get lost when I can see the sky. So maybe I'll be OK.

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