Sit in a quiet room and knit.
I just wanna sit in a quiet room and knit.
Today was my first day off after working 56 hours this week. I was called to go in and work today as well but I declined, thinking of how exhausted and generally brain dead I felt once I'd gotten home from work last night and how much I had been looking forward to a day off finally.
So today was the day off! I was supposed to be tidying up the study in an attempt to get some things shifted around in the lounge room so we can actually have a christmas tree up this year.
But I slept in for hours. I'm not complaining, I needed the sleep.
Then after the sleep in, we packed ourselves in the car off for a short trip to the shops. I bought some bits and peices, nothing exciting.
Then, I came home and attempted to set up DS1's computer to the internet. It didnt work. And somehow in the process I managed to stuff up the settings on the modem, so I can no longer connect to the net either. This is just freaking bonkers and I'm over it.
So I've spent money on cables and now, money on pre-paid credit for the wireless modem just to check my emails again. So now I have a non-working desktop, AND a non-working internet connection.
I'm going mad. Every time I try and fix something to do with these PC's it ends up failing dismally.
I'ts now half past 7 on my only day off and I've done nothing but fail all day. I'm going out to hang up the washing (which I only got half of done) and to water the vegies (which I haven't had time to weed and will no doubt die this week in the 35 degree heat that's forecast).
Then I'm coming back inside, to screaming kids and annoyed, still internet-less teenager. And I'm going to knit for a while, at least.
I know that's something that I can acheive. And fix if I stuff it up. And start again if I have to.
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