Welcome to the dribblings of a mildly internet addicted individual who has too much to do in too little time, and the insane desire to blog about it all.

It's all relative, anyway.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Kids Swimming

That was fun - NOT
This year was Rory's time to be a sad, miserable little fellow at swimming. Last year he was in kindy and went along as a addition because, well, if I went anywhere, he came too. And Last year, Declan stood in the pool and cried and cried as the teacher asked him to put his face in the water and blow bubbles.
This time, Rory cried. Although not quite in the same way as Declan, obviously. He dropped his bottom lip, looked away from everyone else, and just stood there immersed in misery for the last half of the lesson.

On the way back to help them get dry and dressed, he started to cry for real. His lip was sooo droopy it almost touched the floor.

Once he had a towel around him and a good cuddle he was better, so I asked him why he was crying. I was expecting a "I don't want to get my face wet" kind of answer - but instead, I got a "I couldn't do it right!" followed by more lip dropping and more tears.

It always amazes me how two small children from the same parents, born so close together, can still be such complete opposites. And it astonishes me how often I mis-judge the poor things.

Glad that he wasn't crying due to water fear issues though. That's always a good thing.

PS there will never ever be any photos of my kids on this blog. DH is a bit anti putting photos of the kids up anywhere - so yeah, no pics of children. I will randomly upload pics of flowers and scenery and other cool stuff though. I like taking photos - even though I'm pretty crap at it, and I just use a glorified version of a point-and-shoot for them.
I think maybe it's because I SEE things that I think will make great art images - but I don't have the technical skills to capture them properly on film, or paint them or draw them or anything like that.
I wish I could turn pictures into music. Perhaps I should practise on that violin more often.

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