Welcome to the dribblings of a mildly internet addicted individual who has too much to do in too little time, and the insane desire to blog about it all.

It's all relative, anyway.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Swimming again. Wonder who I'm getting a lift with this time. Hopefully I'll be getting a lift anyway, silly car chews through so much fuel it's ridiculous.
Starting to wonder if it needs some exhaust attention. However.... I'm broke so it's probably pointless.

I'm on the verge of phoning up centrestink today and asking them if I could re-adjust our family payment level. We get our family payment on the very very base rate of only one sort, and then have a nice lump sum land on us at tax time. While this is good and well, my craft fair is BEFORE tax time - and I'm struggling to get the money put aside so that I can actually buy the stock I'll need to take with me!

Also, the insurance thing came yesterday. I did forget to ask them if it can be paid monthy. Right now they want the full sum within 7 days. Bah! Like I can find that much money in 7 days! Why is it that the minute you say "business" everyone assumes there is a whole pile of cash just lying around waiting to be spent??

Must be like the word "wedding". Attracts greed or something.

I need coffee. Ciao

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